The Parish Council aims to be open and transparent in all its financial activities and ensures that its financial management is adequate, effective and has a sound system of internal control. A formal budget is approved and monitored throughout the financial year.
Each year, the Parish Council approves its Financial Regulations which represents the framework within which Councillors and the Responsible Financial Officer work, and conform to NALC’s approved format. In addition, the Parish Council has an Internal Control policy which ensures its administrative practices and controls comply with best practice guidelines and current legislation. All policies together with the Risk Register can be found in the Policies section.
For the financial year 2023/24 the 'Precept' is £85,063. The Precept is the Stoke part of householders’ Council Tax bill which is for our budget. Other charges are from the District and County Councils, and the Police and Fire & Rescue Authority. Householders pay an amount depending on which of the 8 Bands their property is assessed to be in, 'A' being the lowest and 'H' being the highest; Band D represents the average.
Here you will find further information on Stoke sub Hamdon Parish Council's financial activities.